Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year's Eve!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year's eve. Enjoy your festivities, however you choose to celebrate. 

See you in the new year!!!

Oh! I almost forgot. I have a contest planned for tomorrow to celebrate my blog's one year birthday! Be sure to come back!

Monday, December 29, 2008

I know, I know!!!

I haven't blogged in a long time! I know! I've been away from internet access for a very long time. I will try to catch you up on things.  

1. The funeral was the Friday before Christmas. It was a nice service.
2. My dad got engaged.
3. Mom, Richard, and I went bowling. 
4. I went to a Christmas party with dad and his friends. We played dirty santa and I got two University of Alabama ornaments. Roll Tide!
5. Mom and I sang the Chipmunk Christmas song at church the Sunday before Christmas. We gave out hula hoops. 
6. Sunday, I went to Ella Grace's bday party. Happy 2nd Bday!
7. Monday, I met Beth and Amanda and their kids for lunch at the Mexican restaurant.
8. Visited with Amanda Monday after lunch.
9. Tuesday, I got four new tires and 1 new rim. Merry Christmas to my car.
10. Christmas Eve, we had snack foods at mom's house with her husband's family. Good thing we are not Jewish cuz all we had was pork, pork, and more pork. It was delicious.
11. Christmas, I went to dad's friends' house for lunch. It was so good. 
12. Christmas night, I went to visit with Ryan's family. We had seafood. It was good getting to see everyone again and I even met more family members. 
13. Friday, mom and I went to Walmart to buy Christmas stuff 1/2 off. I bought a purple Christmas tree. Super fun!
14. We drove to Baba's after the Walmart trip.
15. Friday night, we had Christmas with mom's side of the family. It was great. 
16. We went to Christmas City (miles and miles of lights and Christmas scenes.). They have a little village with shops, food, and even a train ride. I got us a group rate for the train ride and everyone got to ride for 1/2 price. Sometimes, all you gotta do is ask. 
17. I bought a new Bama koozie at Christmas City. It is houndstooth with an embroidered 'A'.
18. Saturday, we went to Walmart again because mom's tire blew on the way to Christmas City. She decided to buy 4 new tires. 
19. I went all over town trying to find ammunition for my gun.
20. Bought ammunition. 
21. Went to Pa's and fired my gun.
22. Gun rubbed blister on my thumb.
23. Went to Ms. Evelyn's for dinner.
24. Fell in love with "Pedro", a mini chihuahua. I so want one now.
25. Sunday, I drove home. 

Now you are all caught up on my vacay. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Visitation is at 10 a.m. tomorrow with the funeral following at 11 a.m.  Dad wanted it on Saturday, but the funeral home could not do it then.  So Dad decided to do it on Friday.  

Thank you to all my friends who have sent emails and text messages.  I appreciate all your prayers and thoughts.  


First of all, I would like to thank all of you who for your prayers and concern. 

I just received a call from my Dad.  Granny passed away this morning around 2:30.

I am going home today and will be home through Christmas.  Dad wants to have everything arranged so we can have the funeral on Saturday.  

Thanks again for your prayers.    

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My dad called me today and told me Granny was awake (she had been out for several days).  I got to talk to her for a few minutes.  She tried to talk back but only grunts were coming out.  But she could hear me and understand me.  My mom told me that Granny's organs are starting to shut down.  I just can't believe this is really happening.  

I am packing tonight so I can go home tomorrow morning.  I just don't think I can drive down tonight.  It's dark, I'm crying, and it's raining.  Not a good combination.  I need to spend some time packing because I have a lot of National Board stuff to do while on Christmas break.  I don't want to leave anything I need to work on that.  



My Granny is still hanging on.  Now they don't know how long it will be.  They were so certain she wouldn't last through Monday night.  She's still the same as Monday.  Every time a hospice nurse comes in, they comment she won't make it through the hour they will be there, but she still keeps hanging on.  I talked to Dad this morning and he told me to go to work and that he would keep me posted throughout the day.  

I am so torn about what to do.  I know I need to go home, but I just don't want my last memory of my Granny to be of her dying.  I can not sit and watch her die.  That's what I would be doing if I went home right now.  My dad is surrounded by his aunts and uncles and his girlfriend.  He is not alone.  I have substitutes on "stand-by" and they will come in as soon as I need them.  Right now, I think the best thing for me to do is go to work.  I hope it is the right decision. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Once again

I come to you with a request for prayer.  My grandmother is not doing well and the doctors do not expect her to make it through the night.  I am asking that you pray for:

1.  comfort - my Granny has been in a lot of pain and she just needs to rest and not hurt during this time

2. peace - for my family.  

This is a hard time for all involved, but especially my brother, who is stationed in Alaska and can not get home during this time.  Please pray for him. 

Keep my dad in your prayers, as well.  He is my granny's only living child.  So, he is having to do everything and make all the decisions about her care.  I know this is hard for him, and he kept comforting me while we were talking on the phone.  I pray God will grant him strength, peace, and the wisdom to do what is best for Granny.     

As you may recall, my program was rescheduled for tomorrow night.  This is a job requirement that I can not put off on someone else.  Literally, there is no one else who can conduct this program.  I wrote over half the songs for it.  They are still on notebook paper with my notes all over it.  So, I will be here until I finish the program.  Then depending on how late it is, I may drive to my parents or I may leave on Wednesday.  

Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.  Thank you.   

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Who knew?

Who knew it would take all day to wrap gifts?!  I started wrapping at 4:30 p.m. and I am just now finishing at 9:00 p.m.  I did have to take a break to glaze my rum cake but that didn't take too long.  Wow!  Wrapping really takes a while.  

Here is the before pile of presents (notice Winston in the back looking on)...

And here is the finished pile of wrapped presents (notice Winston looking on from his bed)....

Who is this?

Last night, I went to Ashley's to her "Trim the Tree" party.  She invited her friends over for "big girl" drinks, snacks, and to decorate her tree.  I am so doing this next year!  The tree was decorated in less than ten minutes!  I don't even have my tree up this year, let alone decorated.  We had a great time visiting and decorating.  

While at Ashley's, I received a text message from a number I did not know.  The text read, "Hey is this tiff".  Well, as you know, this is Tiff, but I don't know who that person is, so I replied, "Who is this?"  To which I get a reply "Is this Tiffany (insert last name)".  Ok, you're freaking me out now...  Again, I reply, "Who is this?"  Then I get a name, Mike, and that he found my name and number in his coat pocket.  He had not worn the coat since last year.  Now good friends, I am not in the habit of giving my number out to random people.  In fact, I never give my number out, so therefore, I would remember this person, right?  I did not remember this person, so I must not have given him my number....  How did he get it and who is he?  Unfortunately, he doesn't remember me or how he got my number (obviously, he's never met me.  I am not easily forgotten).  No help there.  So we're texting back and forth to figure out how we know each other.  He sends me a pic to jog my memory.  I do not know this person!  Never seen him in my life.  So I ask him what he does, thinking he might have gotten my number through work.  He told me maintenance and then asked my what I did.  I replied, teach.  He then sent me a message saying he thought he knew how he got my number.  His mom is the mail lady at one of my schools.  I vaguely remember the secretary saying something about the mail lady wanting my number for her son because she thought I was cute.  I thought "yeah, whatever".  I never thought I would hear from him and I didn't until over a year later.  Crazy, huh?  So, ladies at the party, the mystery is solved.  Case closed. 

I have gotten almost all of my shopping done.  None of it is wrapped :(  

Today, I am baking a rum cake for the school Christmas Party.  Yea for the teachers!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Ugh!  My program was rescheduled for next Tuesday night!!!  I am so upset.  I wanted to get it over with!  

So, now I have another 5 days to look forward to my program :(

Good news though.  We don't have to go to work until 9:30 am tomorrow.  

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow - NOT!

I have my final program tonight and the forecast calls for snow!  No way!!!!  I want this over!  Don't snow.  Snow tomorrow.  Snow over night, but don't snow today!  Let me finish this last program.....

Pray for NO SNOW!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

No shopping for me

So, I did not finish early enough to go shopping :(  I DID get to sleep late though.  

I had more to get done than I thought I did.  I still have a few things to finish tomorrow before the program.  Right now I just finished making some flower clips for my hair.  I think they are cute!  I also need to find something to wear tomorrow night.  After last night, I know I DON'T need to wear long sleeves to conduct.  I was so flipping hot last night!  So, I'm going to find a plain shirt to wear with my hula skirt and lei.  Maybe I'll get some cute pics to post for you.  

Well, I gotta go find something to wear.  

Good night!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Two down, One to go

Tonight was number 2 of Christmas Programs.  I now have one more on Thursday night.  Tomorrow I am taking a sick day so I can go work on the stage.  I know, I know.  That's ridiculous.  But it's the only way I can get it done.  I am sleeping late and then going in to do the stage.  Hopefully, I can get it done quickly and then I can go Christmas shopping before church choir rehearsal.  That is my plan.  We'll see if I succeed....

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!  

Good night!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

One down, Two to go

Today started the week of Christmas Programs.  I have three this week.  The five year old church choir program was tonight.  Tuesday is K - 2 at one school and Thursday is K - 5 at the other school.  Friday, I collapse.  

Today, the church had the Kirking of the Tartans.  One of our members is the president of the local Scottish society (I think) and he got to have the Kirking at his church.  So, the society came and got blessed.  We had a professional bagpiper.  He was great.  The sanctuary choir sang at both services today.

After the second service, I went to Wolf's house for lunch.  He cooked for me AGAIN!  This makes two times in a week.  How sweet.  Today was hamburger steak, gravy, black-eye peas and homemade mashed potatoes.  Super yummy.  And he doesn't just slop it on the plate (like I would).  He makes it look like it could have been served in a restaurant.  Thanks for cooking again.  I had a great time!

Christmas at the Castle was awesome again this year.  I decided to wear jeans, boots, red tank, black sweater.  Now, you couldn't see anything but the boots and the bottom of my jeans because I NEVER took my jacket off.  Oh and I had a scarf and gloves.  It was FREEZING!  Below freezing, actually.  Thank god for outdoor heaters and firepits.  I did have one letdown.  Raven did not perform this year :(  She is my fave performer.  It truly is a shame that she wasn't there.    

Off to bed for me.  Good night, everyone.  Have a great week!       

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas at the Castle

The Christmas party of the season is tonight!  WooHoo!

I have no idea what I am gonna wear.  What do you wear to a party where most of the attendees are homosexual men?  On one hand, they are not looking to see what you have on (well they are not looking at me at all, right?).  They probably couldn't care less.  On the other hand, you will be compared to all these men and what they are wearing.  Such a dilemma.  I better hit the closet.

Right now, I am watching the SEC Championship kick-off.  

Roll Tide!

Have a great night.

Oh, we have a new reader.  I will call him Maximus Wolf for right now.  Welcome, Mr. Wolf.  I hope you enjoy the blog.   

Saturday, November 22, 2008

If I only had a brain...

 I would be dangerous.  

Tonight, Ashley and I went to the mall.  We were doing some Christmas shopping.  After we visited a few stores, had dinner, and visited some more stores, I took her home.  On the way to my house, I got on the interstate, headed AWAY from my house toward the mall!  What was I thinking?!  So I drove to the next exit and turned around and headed to my house.  Now I am safely back in the house and blogging for your enjoyment.

Friday, November 21, 2008



I just arrived home (2:25 a.m. on a workday) from the 12:05 a.m. showing of Twilight.  Amazing!  I am so Team Carlisle right now!  Or maybe James (I know he's the bad guy, but oh so pretty).  

I am loving that there is a new movie theater 2 miles from my house.  It was awesome being able to see this movie and then not have to drive 30 minutes home.  

I am going to collapse now.  My alarm clock will sound at 5:30 a.m.  Doubtful I will get out of bed then... 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


*WARNING*  If you've ever dated me, you probably don't want to read this.  You're not going to like it.  You've been warned.  Don't come crying to me when your feelings get hurt...

For those of you who wanted details...

It's not just the last boy. It's the last couple of boys (with the exception of Ryan) that have me baffled.

I'm sick of hearing...

1. I don't want to get married, date, etc
2. I think we need to take things slow (when we're not taking it at all!)
3. I hate you met me at this time in my life. I'm just not in a place for a girlfriend (Quite frankly, you shouldn't be dating, then!)

Really? I'm just over it all.

Guys, please get your crap together! It's not like I'm trying to date people younger than me. I'm dating people at least 2 years older, some much more older. One would think they could get it together. I look at myself and see that I have my stuff together (pretty well, I think). Maybe I'm too independent. Maybe if I didn't own a house, a car, have a job, couldn't pay my own bills. Maybe if I NEEDED a guy to take care of me and couldn't take care of myself. But I'm not needy. All I ask is for a guy like me. GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER!!!!!!! And leave the drama for someone else.

If you have one of the above excuses or one just as grand that I haven't heard yet, keep it to yourself. I've heard enough. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Can anyone explain...

...why I only meet guys with issues? Are there any guys that are "normal"? Guys that want a real relationship? Guys that are not afraid of commitment? Guys that have their crap together? I mean really! Am I asking too much?

That is all...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Pic from Bama game

Brandi sent me a pic of the two of us from our very first Bama game! Roll Tide!

He's the Best!

I have the bestest friend ever! Heath fixed my broken kitchen drawer for me. He also kept Winston for me while I was at the conference. I only asked him to do the second. He saw that my drawer was broken (a casualty of Prom 2008) and he fixed it! I can only assume this is how it went down because I have not actually talked to him today. He's great!

Thanks, Heath!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ma'am, could you please follow me?

These are not the words you want to hear when going through airport security. However, those are the exact words I heard upon entering the area and my backpack went through the x-ray machine. They swabbed it, for what I don't know. It passed that test, so then they went through it and put the contents in three buckets. The item was still in the backpack. I had no idea what it could have been. So she pulled the contents out, found a mechanical pencil in the bottom, and sent it through again. Here is the culprit!

It turned out to be a pen that lights up. It was a promotional item for "Spotlight on Music", our new music series. Can you believe that?! A pen! Oh well, I finally made it through and now I am sitting in the airport blogging to you.

We had a wonderful trip, but I am ready to come home.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

AOSA Pt. 2

Today was the first "real" day of the conference. I am so tired!

Now, we are headed to a drum circle. Gotta go!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I am in Charlotte, NC at a music conference until Saturday. I arrived yesterday around 1 p.m. Eastern. I had to wake up at 4 a.m. Central to get to Karla's so Bradley could get us to the airport on time. On the way, I poured grape juice down my shirt TWICE and Tide to Go does not get grape juice out. So I borrowed a shirt from Karla. Then we headed to the airport. Upon arrival, we went to check in but the kiosk said there were problems and to see an attendant! Then the attendant tried and it did it again. We waited and waited and waited! It was awful. We finally got checked in about 10 minutes before boarding.

We had a small layover in Memphis and then off to Charlotte. We checked in at the hotel and then went in search of lunch. I had a cheeseburger. It was good.

So far, so good. I'll keep you posted. The conference actually starts tomorrow. Registration and exhibits start tonight.

I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ryan

Today is Ryan's 29th birthday.  To celebrate, his family is having a balloon release at the cemetery.  (I am not with them today because my church kids choir is singing tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m.)  I am having my own release at home.  His mom purchased blue balloons with his name and birth date printed on them.  We are releasing at 11:00 a.m.

After the release, I am headed to Christmas Village with Christie.  We should have super fun, especially since I am trying to save money for my trip to Charlotte this week and Georgia for Thanksgiving.  No really, we should have fun looking.  I am trying not to buy unless it's gifts.  

Tonight, I am headed to Mr. D's (Sandy's husband) birthday party.  It is at his fave Mexican restaurant.  

As mentioned above, my children's choir is singing at the early service tomorrow.  I am excited.  I know they will do great!

I leave Tuesday for Charlotte with Karla and Theresa (music teachers).  We are headed to the National Orff Schulwerk conference.  I can't wait.  I bought the plane tickets the morning of the crash.  That is the only reason I am getting on the plane.  Otherwise, I am so excited about going!

Have a good weekend!  


Friday, November 7, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

While I was borrowing pics from Ashley's camera, I took these too. She had forgotten to send them, so I took charge and did it myself! Enjoy!

The unsuspecting pumpkins

Ashley with the weapon

Ashley takes her top off

Me scraping the top

Me picking out the guts. Super gross!

Pumpkin guts

All clean now

Rhythm and Boos - Me

Kool-Aid Man - Ashley

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Prom Night 2008

I have been trying to post this for days! First, I couldn't find my card reader. Then I didn't have time. THEN blogger wouldn't upload the pics! Now finally the universe has come together to reveal the pics of "Prom Night '08" on Halloween.

Tiffani as Prom Queen

Katie Jane and Tiffani

Tiffani and Ashley

Tiffani and Anna (Skinny!)



Katie Jane
(Her dress is so large she had to wear something underneath in case it fell off)

Heather and Todd


David and Sally posing for Prom picture


Carrie and Felix


Aarion (Batman) and LaToya

Anna as "Wonderwoman"

I need to collect pics from all the cameras present at the party. I stole some from Ashley's camera because she accidently left it at my house. So I took the liberty of borrowing from her card. However, I didn't get any great pics of Brandi (hint, hint). I need for someone (Brandi) to send me her pics.

A fun time was had by all!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

Today, I went to vote this morning and the line was wrapped around the building, down the sidewalk, down the front lawn, across a parking lot, and down a road.  I did NOT have time for that before work.  So I just went to work and voted after work.  When I got there this afternoon, there was barely a line.  When I got to the room, I had to wait behind one other person with the last name in the same section as mine.  Technically, I was the second person in line :)  I voted and went on my merry way.  

Then Carrie and I decided to partake of some freebies for voting.  We went to eat Mexican where Katie Jane met up with us.  We decided to head to Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, and Ben and Jerry's.  We went to Starbucks.  I don't drink coffee, so I bought a hot chocolate.  KJ and Carrie got the free cup of coffee, Thanksgiving blend.  KK's line was too long, so we headed off to B&J.  B&J was way too long.  I decided that I wasn't waiting for ice cream in a line longer than I did to vote.  Of course, I left it up to Carrie, since she did want ice cream.  She said no too.  So we headed back to KK, where the line was still long, but the "hot" sign was on.  I really wanted one.  So we did wait in that line.  I waited longer for a doughnut than I did to vote!!!!  Crazy.  KK was offering a free doughnut and B&J was offering a free scoop if you voted.    
On our way back to KK, KJ said the Thanksgiving blend was too hearty.  Then she proceeded to ask what was in that particular blend... Pilgrims?  She actually asked if there were Pilgrims in the coffee!!!!!!  I busted out laughing.  She is so hilarious!  

Happy Election Day!  

Monday, November 3, 2008

6 months

I can not believe it has been 6 months since the plane crash.  It feels like it happened just yesterday.  It's crazy how time has passed so quickly.

Ryan's birthday is Saturday.  His parents are planning a balloon release at the grave.  My children's choir is singing at 8:45 am on Sunday, so I can not go with them.  I am going to release some balloons up here at the same time they release there.  

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We won!  35 - 0!

I had a great time at my very first college football game.  Thanks to Mr. Chuck for taking me.  I headed to T'town this morning and met Mr and Mrs Jones and the Turks before heading to tailgate.  We had some delicious burgers, hot dogs, and sausage dogs.  We walked to the Quad (which was entirely too crowded!) and looked around and then the guys and I headed to the game.  Mr. Chuck and I sat 9 rows back from the field on the east side of the end zone.   We were very close!  It was so cool.  I was the "one" in the crimson shirt.  HeeHee!  Maybe you saw me if you had pay-per-view.  I am so glad that Ms. Annette let me borrow a visor.  The sun was sooo bright today.  It was a beautiful day.  

Brandi also went to her first Bama game today.  We didn't even know that we were both going until last night!  Then we were sitting 6 rows apart in neighboring sections.  How crazy!  


University of Alabama Homecoming

I am headed to the Bama game!  It is my very first one ever.  I am headed to meet Ryan's family for tailgating and then I become "one of the guys" because the guys are staying for the game and the girls are headed back home.  But they had an extra ticket and I'm gonna get to go to the game!!!!  Yea!!!!

I'll have to be sure to call my dad and make him jealous!  HeeHee!!

Have a good day!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It's Prom Night! Yea!

Also, I know I never posted any pics of pumpkin carving. Go check out Ashley's blog. She's in my sidebar. She was the host and posted pics. Thanks, Ashley!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Teaching Certificate...

FOUND!!!!!!!!!! WooHoo!

I still have not found my house key or my mind. I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

House key, Teaching certificate, mind...

Still LOST!

That is all. Good night.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween is near!

Last night was Fall Festival at one of my schools. I had the Karaoke booth. It was fun. I had a cute pic taken too. I'll post it when I get it on the computer. The owner of the camera is supposed to email it to me.

Tonight, I am going to a pumpkin carving party! WooHoo! It should be fun. I don't remember the last time I carved a pumpkin. She has several patterns for us to choose. We also went to buy a few pumpkins earlier today.

I'm thinking about a nap right now. Then, I'm cleaning the house.

I will post a pic of my pumpkie!

Tomorrow is Celebration Sunday at church. The choir sings at the early service. Then I'm headed to Sunday School and then lunch at the church. I don't know what they are serving. It should be yummy though. Their Wed night suppers are yummy. I'll let you know.

Friday, October 24, 2008

50% off sale

Leigh-Ann over at Freckled Nest is having a 50% off sale at her Etsy shop. She makes cute stuff like photo albums for you scrapbookers. She also makes supply bags for artists, photographers, scrapbookers, etc. She has all kinds of other stuff too. Go check her out at her Freckled Nest Shop.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I HATE it...

when I lose things! For instance, my new teaching certificate! I just got it this school year and I need it to complete my eligibility process for National Boards. Now, of course, my principal handed to me and said, "don't lose it." So I went and promptly stored it in a "safe" place so I would not lose it. Does anyone know where it could possibly be? It's probably with my house key that I lost. Ugh!!!!!!!! I really need to get my brain back. It's been missing too.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ryan's Fly-in

I went to the fly-in on Saturday.  I spent the day with Ryan's family and after the fly-in, we headed to their house to watch the Bama game.  We caught a little of the Auburn game at dinner and finished up back at their house.  Then I headed home.  Keep in mind, it was three hours after the Bama game ended and I still ran into traffic on the interstate!  Can you believe it?  

Anyway, here is a nice article from the Tuscaloosa News about the fly-in.

I should have some pics later.  The club presented Ryan's parents with a plaque and then two members did a tribute flight.  It was very nice.  

Thanks to Heather and Caroline for coming to support me on Saturday.  It really meant a lot.  

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ryan's Memorial Fly-in

Ryan's remote control airplane club is having a memorial fly-in this weekend.  I am meeting Ryan's parents at their house on Saturday morning so we can go together.  The club is doing a tribute flight and then presenting a plaque to his parents.  This is going to be odd.  The only times I have been to the flying field were to see Ryan fly.  I really had no interest other than to be with him.  So, we shall see.  I'll be with his family though.  

Also, his parents went down south last week.  The headstone has been delivered and installed.  They sent me pics of it tonight.  It looks very nice, but VERY final.  I know it's "real", but it wasn't "set in stone" until I saw the pics.  I hate seeing his name on it.  

Monday, September 29, 2008

May I have a str.... tampon applicator?

Tonight, Carrie and I went to Ted's Montana Grill to eat dinner.  I ordered some yummy looking lemonade.  There were some straws in front of me, so I offered one to Carrie.  She said she didn't like their straws and I just looked curiously at her.  That is until I opened the straw and saw a CARDBOARD TAMPON APPLICATOR!  It was a cardboard straw.  What?!  Who makes straws out of paper?  Is that even possible?  It was definitely different!  The food was good and the service was excellent.  We even had enough for lunch tomorrow.  

I am feeling a little better today.  I survived with no meds today because they make me too drowsy to teach.  Don't worry, I will be taking some tonight!  I was still able to breathe without them, but I did have a couple of cough drops for my throat.  My throat is still scratchy. 

Tonight, I'm still tired, so I will be watching my "story", One Tree Hill, and reading a little.  I will not be cleaning or decorating, which is what I wanted to do.  

Good night, all!    

Friday, September 26, 2008

The "BOX"

I arrived at home tonight around 6:30 p.m.  There was a package waiting for me by my front door.  I had not ordered anything, so I did not know what could be in the box.  I opened it and it is my box for National Board Certification.  OMG!!!!  I am so nervous.  It is so "real" now.  I have to buckle down and get busy.  

I started feeling sick yesterday and coughed all night last night.  I decided this morning to call my doctor, but she doesn't work on Fridays, must be nice.  She used to not work on Wednesdays.  I wonder if she switched days or if she only works three days a week now.  Anyway, I decided to go to a "doc in a box" for some meds.  I went after school.  They gave me a shot in the hip, a cough suppressant/antihistamine/decongestant, a "magic mouthwash", and an antibiotic.  I decided I didn't need the mouthwash - it's just a numbing gargle (not good for a vocalist) and the doc said I could wait on the antibiotic to see if I needed it.  So, I came out with a cough syrup and a routine prescription.  I also had some coupons for $25 grocery gift cards for new prescriptions.  She let me use two, one for each prescription, and let me use the expired coupon too!  I LURVE our new Publix Pharmacy!  SO I got $50 in free groceries!  WooHoo!  I stocked up on juice and junk.  Yea!

The doc also suggested that I rest the entire weekend!  Sleep, sleep, and more sleep.  Ah, too bad.  I really wanted to cut my grass and clean my house.  Alas, I'm not allowed...  I guess I'll just have to read and sleep.  HeeHee!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  

Thursday, September 25, 2008


So, you think I've been neglecting the blog?  You should talk to my wii!  I got on today because I haven't been on in a couple of weeks.  Well, it turns out that the "couple of weeks" was actually 

55 DAYS!!! 

Can you believe that?!  I am thoroughly pooped right now and I don't even want to think of how sore I am going to be in the morning!  

I am addicted to the Twilight book series.  I am only on book 2, but I'm hooked!  They are great.  They are for teenagers and they are about vampires.  Even so, they are fabulous.  

I am starting to get a cold in my nose :(  My throat is sore and my nose is stuffy on one side.  I also have a tinge of a headache.  I hope some vitamins will help this go away.  Vitamin C, here I come.  

I am planning to relax this weekend.  By relax, I mean...
1.  Clean my house
2.  Cut my grass
3.  Decorate for HALLOWEEN!  (Super fun!)
4.  Lesson plans
5.  Laundry
6.  National Boards
7.  Fight this cold
8.  Grocery shop (Why do you always run out of the essentials at the same time?)

That is my list, in no particular order.  I'm sure I will add things.

Off to read "New Moon".  Good night!  

Monday, September 22, 2008

UPDATE 2: Extreme Makeover

I arrived home to find these wonderful new additions to my yard.

1. Rocks in the flower beds
2. U.S.A. Flag
3. Welcome mat
4. Tape measure that belonged to Ryan (not pictured)

I love it all! It looks great!

Thanks, Mr. Chuck and Ms. Annette!

Front Flower bed


Side bed (Sorry for the blur.  The sun was very bright!)

American Flag (I hope you knew that without me telling you.)

Welcome Mat (Duh!)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

UPDATE: Extreme Makeover

Here is what my yard looks like after Mr. and Mrs. Jones left yesterday. These are actually pictures from this morning. I LURVE it!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh NO!

When I changed my background, I deleted my sidebars and I can't remember which blogs I had links to.  I hope I got them all.  If you can think of one that used to be there that is not there now, let me know!  Thanks.

Be sure to check out my previous entry today.  It has some great pics and there are more to come!

What a difference a day makes

When I came home from school, Mr. and Mrs. Jones were no where to be seen. They had gone to Lowe's to find some more bricks. This is what I saw...


AND, they were not done.  I have more pics from what they did after they got back.  That will be another post.  I'm off to the church choir retreat.  

Extreme Makeover: Yard Edition

This is what was done yesterday in my yard. Yea!

In the center, where the rock is, there will be a nice, large pot with greenery and flowers.

This is the "weed bed". Look, no weeds!

This is around my mailbox. Those are daylilies. I can't wait for them to bloom.

I am super pumped about my yard. And Mr. Chuck edged my whole yard! He went all around the driveway, street, and sidewalk. That was a hard job. Mrs. Annette had to climb over my fence to get to my flowers and shrubs in the backyard. I'm so glad she did not hurt herself! I can't wait to go home today!

Tonight and tomorrow is the sanctuary choir retreat. I have to go home today and bake cookies. Yummy!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today, I had a meeting after school, went to dinner, and to the grocery. I finally got home at 9:00 p.m. and found a wonderful surprise waiting for me. Mr. and Mrs. Jones had started my flower bed. It looks awesome. I couldn't take pics tonight because it was too dark, but I will take pictures tomorrow morning and post them for you to see. Tonight, I will leave you with the "before" pics. Now, I didn't know they were coming today so I had not taken before pics. But I do have pics from Christmas, so ignore the lights and reindeer. You will see how bad my poor "weed bed" looked. Enjoy!

Do you see all those weeds?! It is so bad and that is in December! Isn't everything supposed to be dead in December?

Oh my! I can't believe how bad it looked. I had cleaned out the weeds, so it didn't look that bad. I had forgotten how bad it looked!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

This morning, I slept in and texted Ms. Annette when I got out of bed. She and Mr. Chuck were on this side of the world, so I met them for lunch. After lunch, we decided to look at Home Depot for plants for what I refer to as my "weed bed." We would like to transform this "weed bed" into a flower garden. Ryan and I were going to attempt this undertaking, but we did not get around to it. Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Jones wanted to help me with it. We looked at Home Depot and I showed them what I liked. Then we went to my house to see the actual space we were working with. That helped Ms. Annette to know how many plants we needed. We then went to Lowe's and looked some more. I thought I wanted a large flower pot that I can leave outside and just plant in that small area. She suggested we add some greenery around the pot. I think we decided to do a large pot with elephant ears and other green plants (and maybe some caladium). We got some Japanese holly bushes to go around the bed. They are supposed to stay small. Then I decided if I was making the front bed look nice that I needed to make the area around the mail box look nice too. So we bought some day lilies to go around that area. I will take before and after pics when we start working on the area.

We did buy a nice flower pot for my peace lily. It goes great in my dining room. The dining room has black and maroon accents and the flower pot is black with cream accents. The carpet in the dining room is cream. Below you will find pics of the pot and with the lily in the pot. I think he looks very happy in his new home! What do you think?