Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

Today, I went to vote this morning and the line was wrapped around the building, down the sidewalk, down the front lawn, across a parking lot, and down a road.  I did NOT have time for that before work.  So I just went to work and voted after work.  When I got there this afternoon, there was barely a line.  When I got to the room, I had to wait behind one other person with the last name in the same section as mine.  Technically, I was the second person in line :)  I voted and went on my merry way.  

Then Carrie and I decided to partake of some freebies for voting.  We went to eat Mexican where Katie Jane met up with us.  We decided to head to Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, and Ben and Jerry's.  We went to Starbucks.  I don't drink coffee, so I bought a hot chocolate.  KJ and Carrie got the free cup of coffee, Thanksgiving blend.  KK's line was too long, so we headed off to B&J.  B&J was way too long.  I decided that I wasn't waiting for ice cream in a line longer than I did to vote.  Of course, I left it up to Carrie, since she did want ice cream.  She said no too.  So we headed back to KK, where the line was still long, but the "hot" sign was on.  I really wanted one.  So we did wait in that line.  I waited longer for a doughnut than I did to vote!!!!  Crazy.  KK was offering a free doughnut and B&J was offering a free scoop if you voted.    
On our way back to KK, KJ said the Thanksgiving blend was too hearty.  Then she proceeded to ask what was in that particular blend... Pilgrims?  She actually asked if there were Pilgrims in the coffee!!!!!!  I busted out laughing.  She is so hilarious!  

Happy Election Day!