Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thirteen Reasons not to grocery shop when you are hungry!

Sandy has mentioned to me that I need to post a "Thursday Thirteen" because it is Thursday after all and because I now have a blog. So here is my first "Thursday Thirteen". For those of you who don't know, I get VERY mean and sick when I don't eat. I also get a little testy if things are not going my way.

1. Ben and Jerry's "Strawberry Cheesecake"
2. Blue Bell's "Butter Pecan"
3. $203.15
4. Wasting over 2 hours
5. Not finding "clarifying shampoo" even though you looked on all endcaps and aisle
6. Only finding "clarifying conditioner"
7. Waiting in line for over 30 minutes
8. Starting to feel faint and shaky because you had not eaten enough
9. Cashier popping gum loudly (This is my biggest pet peeve!)
10. Not wanting to go through a drive through because of #3
11. Six frozen lunches, five dry lunches
12. Two frozen pizzas
13. Two different frozen drink mixes

Some of these things I needed. But I rarely buy ice cream, let alone two different kinds, because I'm not a big fan of ice cream.