So, tonight I was asked how to put "myself out there". I told her I didn't know because I didn't do it either. Then our other friend said I always put myself out there and that I flirt all the time. I TOTALLY don't even know I'm doing it. And they both agreed that I might not know but I was still doing it. So I asked for examples. KJ couldn't come up with one specifically and so I told her to tell me the next time I did it. So then we started talking about how HOT our salsa was at dinner (I'm talking three or four glasses of sweet tea) and she said I had flirted with the waiter, by NOT looking at him directly. I glanced up at him sideways when I talked to him and thus was flirting. That leads me to two very important questions...
For those of you who know me,
1. Do I flirt with every guy I interact with?
2. Is it even flirting if I don't know I'm doing it?
If the answers to those two questions are "yes", I am officially depressed because I am 28 and SINGLE and apparently flirt with anyone that has a well, you know what they have... Obviously, I am not good at this "putting myself out there" and flirting thing.
This is a dramatization of how I looked at dinner talking to the waiter. Is this flirting?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Posted by Tiffani at 11:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
National Cheesecake Day
Today is National Cheesecake Day! Yea! To celebrate, The Cheesecake Factory had $1.50 slices of cheesecake. Yummy! You could only get one piece and you had to eat it there. Nonetheless, it was a heavenly slice of cheesecake for only a $1.50. WooHoo!
Prior to the movie, Carrie and I went to see "What happens in Vegas" at the dollar theater. It was sooooo funny. I laughed so hard. My fave part...
(Just finishing an adult situation...)
Her: "I need a key"
Him: "(stuttering) a, a, a, a, a key?"
Her: "Don't worry, I don't want to live with you. You're not the serious boyfriend/husband type."
Him: "And I take pride in that..."
So funny because I TOTALLY know a man just like that! HeeHee! (I hope this person is not offended that I put that on here. NO one knows who I'm talking about)
Tomorrow, I plan to get up early and head to one of my schools to do bulletin boards and set up my room :( Summer is over! BooHoo!
Posted by Tiffani at 9:26 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Can you hear me now?
I am thinking of changing my cell service. I'm pretty sure I've made that decision. HOWEVER... I can't make up my mind on which phone I want.
Here are my choices...
1. Samsung Instinct
2. BlackBerry® Pearl™ 8130
3. BlackBerry® Curve™ 8330
Does anyone have any suggestions or comments? Does anyone have another phone? I would love any help.
Basically, I want to be able to check email, myspace, facebook, blog, text, take pics, and I guess talk to people...
Posted by Tiffani at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm connected, right now
Tomorrow, I have a dentist appt in the morning and my "yearly" in the afternoon. I am not looking forward to either one :(
I do have a praise report tonight. Yesterday, the church sermon was on "Imagineering". Imagining that something can happen in your life and then believing it will happen. So, there are a few things I have been praying and asking God for, but yesterday and then this morning, instead of asking for it, I stated that I believed that it would happen and thanked God for it and went on about my business. Well, of course, one of those requests was money (who doesn't pray for more money?). This morning, a gentleman from a local church called and asked if I was interested in an interim children's choir director job. I listened to the responsibilities and called a couple of friends who work there (I will be doing one of those friends' job while she is in school). I decided to take the position! It is only through December, but that is money I wouldn't have without this job. Wow, how God works when you believe.
My neighbor tried figuring out why I can't use her internet. We still don't know why, however, she accidently unplugged the router while talking to me and it seems I have signal again! Maybe it just needed to be reset. WooHoo! However, I believe I am telling DirecTV bye-bye this week because of technical issues they can't seem to fix without an $80 service call and then a possible $75 new dish. And then that would mean a new 24 month contract. So, I contacted my local cable company and talked to them about incentives to leave Dish and they gave me 50% off services for a year and then 25% off the second year. So, I have decided to go with cable AND get my very own internet! And I'm getting a DVR! WooHoo! I can't wait! This is only going to cost me about $20 more a month (YES, cable is more expensive than dish! Can you believe that?) But I am getting internet and DVR (Which would be $130 more with dish plus a monthly charge as well). I think I am doing a good thing, I hope. I HATE change!
I also think I am changing cell service. I currently have At&t, but am thinking about Sprint. They have a nice "everything" plan for $99.99 ~ unlimited texts, media, and minutes! I don't have unlimited minutes and I am paying more than that right now! I would save the $20 I am spending on cable, so I would still be paying the same amount a month in bills. But I would be getting MORE STUFF!!!!! That is always great!
Posted by Tiffani at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Teacher Appreciation
Carrie and I headed to Staples this morning for Teacher Appreciation Day! Hooray! Or as one store called it Teacher "Appriciation" Day. Spell check must not work on all computers. What a shame...
Anyway, we were a little let down this year by the lack of freebies and good deals. The store did give us a flash drive, very nice. However, they did not give us a tote bag (I never have enough of these. Just kidding!) We left that Staples and went to another one, where we got another flash drive. They gave us a goodie bag too! Score! They also had a 50 cent box of stuff that I could use in my treasure box at school.
This is a list of our activities today:
1. yard sale
(I bought a set of three baskets that were marked $7. I asked if she would take five and she DID! I will use the large one for my copious amounts of water bottles.)
2. Staples #1
(We bought scissors for $.99, regularly $5.99)
3. Staples #2
(We bought $.50 stuff and some expandable files on clearance. Carrie said I needed these for my National Board Certification work.)
4. Chick-fil-a
5. Target
(ONE magazine holder. I needed a red one and my Target made me mad last night! So I went to another one today.)
6. Library
(Carrie returned and then checked out CDs. Miss Katie Jane was not at work today)
7. Goody's
(Two pair of shoes and a pair of capris. It is going out of business and everything is 70% off)
8. Kirklands
(Nothing. We were checking to see if these cool music wall hangings were on sale yet. Not yet)
During 6, 7, 8 and 9, it was STORMING! We decided to skip Home Depot until later when we went to eat dinner and hopefully it would not be raining.
9. Sam's
10. Home
(Lunch, A Bee Movie, nap)
11. Wrapsody
(Nothing. Just wanted to look. The window display was cool.)
12. Wings
13. Home Depot
(Weather stripping for door and air condition filters)
We were quite busy today. Tomorrow, I am headed to church and then need to get started on organizing and cleaning my house :( We'll see how much organizing and cleaning I get done.
Posted by Tiffani at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
You are not connected...
Sorry, dear readers. I have not been able to connect to the internet at my own home in about three months. I have been other places to update my blog, but not this week. I am so sorry you have been out of the loop. Basically, I have been at a back to school workshop two days this week and then not much else.
I did go to see "Hancock" last night. It was good. Heath, Ryan (Heath's roommate), and my friend Brandi, and I went to see it. It was funny, but a little different from most of Will Smith's movies, mainly because there was some strong language.
Today, Carrie and I went to Target. We found a few good deals, especially some plastic magazine holders for $1 each. I desperately needed them for my guest bedroom where I keep all my teacher resources. We each bought ten, all the store had. I already need at least five more! I have an abundance of teacher resources. Tomorrow we have decided to go to the other Target and see if they have some more. Keep your fingers crossed. We are also going to Staples for their Teacher Appreciation Day! WooHoo! More free stuff!
Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Posted by Tiffani at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Dave and Buster's
I have been seeing commercials for Dave and Buster's, but we don't have one anywhere near us. However, my aunt and uncle do have one near them, and they took me there on Tuesday night! Yippee! We had so much fun. For those of you out of the loop, D & B is like "Chuck-e-cheese" for adults (and kids too). With my tickets I earned, I got a Care Bear with an eighth note on his belly (Heartsong Bear), a Dave and Buster's cup, and two mini-ball thingies. I had some extra tickets and didn't know what to get, hence, the ball thingies.
Roger took a picture of me outside by the door of Dave and Buster's.
Posted by Tiffani at 10:49 PM 2 comments
UPDATE: Peace Lily
It looks MUCH better now. I just need to prune some more yellow leaves and he will be beautiful again! Don't you think? I lurve this plant and its fight to live. I really thought it was a goner yesterday. I'm so glad I was wrong.
Sandy left a comment stating that she thought I needed an aqua globe. I tend to agree with her. I've thought that since I first saw the commercial. I've just never bought one. Maybe now is the time :)
Posted by Tiffani at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Peace Lily
Ryan's parents gave me a peace lily when Ryan died. I am not able to keep anything alive, so I was concerned. I was doing a good job, but then I went out of town and watered before I left. People have told me you only have to water it once a week. I wasn't going to be gone a week, so I figured I was fine. Not so much...
I came home and found that sad excuse for a plant. So, I promptly watered it last night and again this morning. Now it looks like this. Not perfect, but much better than last night.
I hope it survives and revives. I'll keep you posted.
Posted by Tiffani at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Six Flags, Again!
I went to Six Flags again yesterday! WooHoo! Anna and Megan met me there. I had Winston, so I had to take him to the kennel. For $10, they provide a cage and water. You have to come and walk and feed your pet. The kennel was air conditioned, so Winston was more comfortable than we were.
We rode Goliath FOUR times! Megan loved it. Anna and I did too.
We took a few pictures. I took some with the characters I didn't see last time. So, please enjoy.

Posted by Tiffani at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Joy of Singing
Hello all!
The past two days, I have been at a workshop called "The Joy of Singing." We sang all day today and half the day yesterday. We were previewing music for the upcoming school year. I got some great ideas.
Yesterday morning, Shannon and I went to get our toes did. I just had them do the same thing, french pedi. When it was all said and done, we went to pay and I handed them my check card. All of a sudden three people were at the booth looking at the credit card machine (I was drying my toes at the drier thingy). Then someone started making phone calls. I started wondering about what in the world had gone wrong with my card, as I did actually have money in my account. Shocking, I know! They had given themselves a $25 tip on accident. So they had to find out how to void the transaction. Crazy! I'm glad they realized what they did!
This is my last night in the ATL. Tomorrow I am headed to Six Flags again and then back home! Yea! I miss home.
Well, I am having a super time here. I hope everyone had a great week so far.
Posted by Tiffani at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
It is true...
My friend, Sandy, just called and asked me if it was true that I was in ATL (she had read my update on myspace). It is in fact, TRUE! I am visiting my aunt, uncle, and two cousins in the ATL this week. I came over on Saturday afternoon and we went to Moe's for dinner. Now I did not enjoy my first experience with the food, so I have not returned, but so many of my friends love it. I decided to try it again. It was very tasty. Yea!
Yesterday, we went to church in the pouring rain and guess what I was wearing.... a WHITE shirt! Yea! Wouldn't you know it? After church, we went to Zaxby's for lunch. Super yummy. (We don't cook during the summer. It gets too hot in the house) We went home and packed for our super fun evening of music. We went to Turner Field for Leeann Rimes, Brooks & Dunn, and Kenny Chesney. There were other acts there too, but these were the best. We had a great time, despite the rain and the trek through the mud to get there.
This morning I woke up to someone beating on the door. My oldest cousin, Philip, was trying to come home. Imagine that. We had locked him out, so I got up and went and let him in. We sat around and talked a little and then decided to play UNO. My uncle had gone to pick up the youngest, Evan, from his friend's house. Now we are all here. Just relaxing. We may take a trip to the mall later today.
One point of interest (to some not all), my "reunion toes" were totally messed up from walking in the rain, mud, and puddles (in flip flops!) to the concert, so I need a new pedicure! If you remember, my reunion was back at the end of May and my pedi has lasted this long! I only have had to touch up a couple of toes. But, alas, all good things come to an end...
I will post pictures later!
Posted by Tiffani at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
I saw this idea on Leigh-Ann's page and I wanted to do one of my own. You should try it.
You too can do a Wordle!
Posted by Tiffani at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Eat More Chikin!
Today, Carrie and I went to the Chick-fil-a for lunch. We both dressed as cows to get a free combo meal. It was delicious. In fact, we remembered that there are TWO Chick-fil-as in town and we went to both. We had lunch and now we have dinner too! Yummy! Here are some super fun pics!
(I have been trying to load these pics FOREVER! Why does it take so long to load pics?)
Posted by Tiffani at 6:33 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Packing Heat!
Ok, so it is official. I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon (pistol permit). Don't worry, everyone. The pistol is still unloaded and I'm not even sure where I put the bullets. But, I can now legally carry a gun.
I was a little worried when they gave the 90 year old granny in front of me a pistol permit. I wish I knew where she would be at all times so I could avoid her!
Ryan's dad gave me one of Ryan's guns after the accident. He worries about me so much. He would be so mad if he knew it was unloaded. My brother made fun of me for having an unloaded gun. Oh well.
Consider yourself warned...
Posted by Tiffani at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
I am so excited! I received a package from Amazon today. I ordered two books about grief and they both qualified for the super saver shipping. I was about $5 short, so I ordered the Farkel game I mentioned from game night. The only version that qualified for the super saver was the "Spicy Farkel". I can't wait to play!!!
Posted by Tiffani at 7:25 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Farmer's Market
Ashley and I went to the local Farmer's Market this morning. I met her at 8 am at her new house. We left from there and drove downtown. It was raining when we got there, however, it stopped after we had walked a little bit. We enjoyed walking around and deciding what we wanted to buy. I decided before I got there that I was getting squash for my "fried" squash. Yummo! While walking around, I decided I wanted okra too. Then after we had purchased our veggies and fruits, we decided to split some green tomatoes. Ashley warned me to pick out one thing I wanted and not plan to buy a bunch of different things because you get so much. We ended up sharing the squash and tomatoes. I can't wait to cook some veggies. WooHoo. I also bought a Rum Cake muffin. I lurve rum cake. However, I must say that my cake is better than the one I bought today. Oh well. I didn't have to cook it ;)
Here are my fresh veggies!
Posted by Tiffani at 2:36 PM 1 comments
5th Annual SSDC
I was invited to my friend's 5th Annual SSDC, (Star Spangle - insert her last name - Celebration) Fourth of July Party. It was SUPER fun. We had a wonderful time and took a lot of crazy pics. We ate, talked, and watched fireworks. We were so close to the action, that firework debris fell on us! I thought I might get to sue the city for my blindness after it fell in my eye! I was very concerned.
Sandy and myself
My new patriotic shirt! It was from my Day of Distraction
The waterfall where we watched the fireworks.
My crazy eye. Kelly did it first and then I tried! Success!
Hear, See, Speak no evil totem pole.
Sandy, Kelly, and I on blanket watching fireworks
Sandy and I (She told me not to do the crazy eye)
When Sandy found out that I had done the crazy eye!
Posted by Tiffani at 1:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
Day of Distraction
Yesterday was two months since Ryan's accident. I can't believe it has been that long and sometimes it seems like it was forever ago. Nevertheless, I needed a distraction so I wouldn't sit around and cry all day. I did shed a few tears, however, not as many as if I was sitting by myself at home.

Nice picture. Very polite...

...Then along came Daffy and things went downhill. I think I was accosted!

This is the best pic I could get with both of them. Silly animals.

Posted by Tiffani at 10:20 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
And I keep on giving...
We played rhythm bingo today in class and I gave away stickers to my kids again this week! That is THREE WEEKS in a row! And then I offered to let the other music teacher borrow the game tomorrow and she didn't have any stickers and I went through my sticker box for her kids! What?! I am giving stickers to kids I don't even teach! What has come over me? AND when I was looking through the box for her, I found some super cute Fourth of July stickers for my kids! I have enough for all of my students!!!!! I have never been so excited about giving away stickers!
Posted by Tiffani at 7:03 PM 0 comments