Last Thursday, I asked my readers to prove how well they know me. I have come to realize that they all know me pretty well!! We had a 5 way tie. Although, Bryan would like me to point out that he got all 13 correct and he was being funny on #10 where he said I "steal" the internet and not "borrow". Tough luck, boyfriend, you knew the rules, "Fact" or "Crap". So, I was forced to have a drawing. (Normally, I would video the drawing, but I am sick AGAIN and I look pretty rough and was not going to put my poor readers through that) The winner is.....
CARRIE CRUZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Carrie! You have won a fun-filled trip to either Sonic or the DQ for some ice cream/snackie items. Your choice or you can pick another place for our adventure! Let me know what you would like! Hopefully, one of us will remember our camera and I can share our adventure with you, dear readers.
Here is a link to all the comments, so you can see who knows me! Click on the word "link".
Now for the answers....
1. My favorite color is pink. CRAP (It is purple)
2. I have had whooping cough. FACT (Recently)
3. I have one younger brother. FACT (22 years old)
4. I once was a pre-med major. CRAP (Nope, I've only been a music major)
5. My childhood dream was to be a manager for WWF wrestlers. FACT (I blame my mother for this. She took me to my first wrestling match when I was just weeks old...)
6. I am addicted to chapstick. FACT (I have been since high school)
7. P² and I are engaged. CRAP (Uh, no. I can't believe that people actually thought we were and I didn't tell them....)
8. My fave condiment is ketchup. CRAP!!!!!!!! (I HATE ketchup! It is my least fave. Mustard is my fave.)
9. I HATE roller coasters. CRAP (I love them!)
10. I "borrow" my neighbor's wireless connection. FACT (I do "borrow". She knows)
11. I collect keychains. FACT (I have collected them forever. I have a bazillion)
12. My favorite foods are Mexican and Japanese. FACT (It's always been Mexican, and I just recently added Japanese.)
13. I want 3 children. CRAP (No way. I have never wanted kids!)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
THURSDAY THIRTEEN: Fact or Crap Edition "The Big Reveal"
Posted by Tiffani at 12:01 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Two Days Left!
Make sure you read my Thursday Thirteen: Fact or Crap edition! It is so funny to see which friends know me the best! Make sure to leave your answers in the comment section. I will reveal the correct answers on Thursday!
MAKE SURE TO TYPE YOUR NAME ON COMMENTS IF YOU DON'T SIGN IN. I HAVE ONE ANONYMOUS SUBMITTER AND THEY DID QUITE WELL!! (Shannon, I have yours.) Send me another comment if you submitted today so you can get credit for the chance at the prize.
So far, I have 5 comments and it is a close race! Keep 'em coming!
Posted by Tiffani at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Last weekend, P² and I hung out with Sandy and Mr. D. We went to eat at the local Mexican restaurant, "The Coz", and then back to Sandy's for some gaming. We thought some Wii would be fun. But originally it was supposed to be a board game night, so I suggested we play at least one. So Sandy got "Fact or Crap". It was definitely an interesting game. Sandy and I were horrible at it. One person reads a statement and the other players have to decide if it is fact or crap.
In honor of our fun time last weekend, Sandy and I have decided to do a Thursday Thirteen: Fact or Crap edition. On each blog, you will find 13 statements. You have to answer fact or crap to each statement. Please leave your answers in the comment section. Please have all answers submitted by next Tuesday. I will not post any comments until next Thursday. There will be a small prize for the person with the most correct answers. If there is a tie, I will have a drawing. Next Thursday, Sandy and I will reveal our answers in the Thursday Thirteen.
1. My favorite color is pink.
2. I have had whooping cough.
3. I have one younger brother.
4. I once was a pre-med major.
5. My childhood dream was to be a manager for WWF wrestlers.
6. I am addicted to chapstick.
7. P² and I are engaged.
8. My fave condiment is ketchup.
9. I HATE roller coasters.
10. I "borrow" my neighbor's wireless connection.
11. I collect keychains.
12. My favorite foods are Mexican and Japanese.
13. I want 3 children.
Be sure to leave your answers in the comment section. Check back next Thursday for the answers!!
Posted by Tiffani at 7:11 PM 6 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!
Yesterday, I cooked my first Easter dinner. It was delicious, if I do say so myself. I cooked a ham, potato salad, deviled eggs, green bean casserole, orange stuff (I don't know the name of it), banana pudding, and rolls. It was so yummy! I took some pics of the spread.
Saturday night, Bryan and I dyed eggs. He is super sweet and will do cheesy stuff with me. We did all kinds of colors, it just happens that the ones we wrote our names on are purple (my fave) and blue (his fave).
We went to see "Wicked" last night. It was awesome and we both loved it!
Posted by Tiffani at 1:19 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
"Are you crying...."
"...Because it hurts or because you just don't like it?" What do you think, lady?

This is my arm today. Notice the lovely greenish bluish shading around the top and bottom. That is NOT lighting! That is actually what my arm looks like today.
Posted by Tiffani at 5:56 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
These are the "track marks" that I received from the incompetent nurse yesterday... Pretty nice looking. Come on, you know you like it.
Posted by Tiffani at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Really? Are you kidding me? Today, when I have a dr. appt, my temp is 97.5. But my whole body still aches and my throat is KILLING me. I have been sick since September. I do get better but not completely well. So, now I'm asking for an allergy specialist and ENT. The dr said she would do blood work and then refer me where I needed to go.
Posted by Tiffani at 3:57 PM 2 comments