Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Official...

I have officially quit studying for my National Board Assessment.  The test is tomorrow at 8 a.m.  If I don't know it by now, I won't know it...  So, I've decided to take some advice and take a break for tonight.  (I can't promise I won't look over it tomorrow morning... Last minute cramming)  

There are six parts of the assessment:
1. Diagnostic Skills (identifying and correcting choral issues)
2.  Historical Repertoire (identifying historical time periods, discussing music from that time period, discussing music in relation to history/culture)  EEEEKKKK!!!!! I'm most scared of this one.
3.  Applied Theory/Composition (Vocal)  (write a song - so easy since I wrote 1/2 of my holiday program this past year)
4.  Instructional Strategies (Teach one concept six different ways, using aural, visual, kinesthetic)
5.  Music from a World Sample  (identify style or genre of selections of world music)  EEEKKK!  Again, I'm scared.
6.  Curricular Applications  (Given a song, describe how to teach the nine national standards - they choose four)

So I'm nervous about two sections and feel ok about the other four.  I'm so ready to be done with this test.  The bad part is I won't know the results until NOVEMBER!!  UGH!

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

You will do great and Ace the test !! MWAH !!!