This is my poor yard sale. It rained ALL DAY! (Except now, the sun is so bright now...) Christie and I debated on canceling but I said I would rather set up in my house than cancel. I want this stuff GONE. So, we did set up inside...
This is one wall of stuff. I took another picture, but it's gone from my camera (sounds vaguely familiar...) There was stuff ALL OVER my dining room.
BUT, I didn't want people "casing the joint" to see what I had in my house that they could come back later and steal. Sooo, Christie and I put up a sheet in the hall to block the rest of the house from view. Too Funny.
Well, since we got rained out, Chris and I decided to try again next week. But neither of us have room to store this cra... wonderful stuff. Now it's in my dining room. I can barely walk through the door. Oh my. WARNING: The next three pictures are not for the weak hearted. I almost faint just thinking of it. I can't wait until next weekend. Please, GOD, don't make it rain next Saturday! I MUST get this stuff sold.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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