Just a quick update.....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Posted by Tiffani at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy Mardi Gras
Happy Fat Tuesday! I am so sad that I was not at home this week for Mardi Gras. I have been home the past two years for Fat Tuesday, but since I took my personal leave last week to see my brother, I couldn't go this year. An easy decision to make, but I'm still sad I wasn't there today. There's always next year :)
Posted by Tiffani at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
One Year Ago
This week has been weepy for me. One year ago today I went on my first date with Ryan. We went to a restaurant named "Firebirds" and then to a movie. This past Friday, I had a dinner meeting with a music organization at "Firebirds" and it was really hard. I'm glad I was with a lot of great girls who took my mind off the situation. That was the first time I had been back.
Posted by Tiffani at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Well, I had an unfortunate change of plans. Last week, my cousin passed away and I had to go to my hometown for the funeral. I went home Wednesday night after choir rehearsal. I had planned to go home on Sunday after church to see my brother for a few days. SO, I didn't think it would be smart to drive home on Wed. night and drive back on Thur. for school and then drive back home on Sunday. So, I stayed the entire weekend and will be here through Tuesday or Wednesday.
Posted by Tiffani at 8:14 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Roger says...
Roger left me a comment on my FB wall. He wrote "Try ctl-apple-plus for superscript and ctl-apple-minus for subscript." Well I tried but it didn't work :(. BUT I went exploring and came across "Special Characters" in my "Edit" toolbar. So, I went on a search for the superscript and found it!
Allow me to introduce "Prince Pookie" as "P²". Yea! I did it!!! WooHoo! It is a great day!
Make sure to read all my blogging adventures from today. I've posted four entries, so don't stop here!
Posted by Tiffani at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Calling All Cooks!
Ok, so this year is the first year in a LONG time I will have a boyfriend on Valentine's Day. However, Prince Pookie has to work that night until 6 p.m. So I am planning on cooking. But I don't know what to cook. I need ideas! So, dear readers, I am asking for your help. Please post a comment with a link to your fave recipe or if you created it, post the recipe in the comment. I really want this to be a nice dinner... Keep in mind, I am no gourmet chef. It doesn't have to be simple, but don't get too crazy!
I will let you know which recipe I choose and maybe even take pix of the whole process. It should be interesting.
Be sure to check my other two posts from today below. I've been a blogging fool today :)
Posted by Tiffani at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Prince Pookie
Ok, so before I get any hateful comments about not knowing "Prince Pookie", I will introduce him to you...
Now for your visual enjoyment, I will post a pic. P.P. hates this pic, but he will have to deal. It is the only one I have of us and I think it is cute. It was taken by Mr. D at the Super Bowl party last weekend. That is when P.P. met the friends... He got the thumbs up, by the way :)

Posted by Tiffani at 1:48 PM 1 comments
Catch Up!!!
Hey Hey! Well today is Sunday and I have not blogged since Tuesday, I think. So I am a little behind. So today, we will be playing catch up!
Posted by Tiffani at 1:23 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
As I mentioned in my last post, I am sick :( I went to the doctor today. I relayed my symptoms, which sounded oddly like the symptoms I had back in September thru November. I can breathe through my nose fine. I have a lot of drainage apparently because my ears and throat are so red. But when I breathe, I just can't get enough air. This is a problem for everyone, but especially a music teacher. I literally can not sing a line of music without running out of breath. Of course she listened to my chest and said I was "very tight". Well, I need to be untight, so how can you help me, ma'am. So, she decided that I needed a steroid shot (to get my voice back, which has decided to take a vacay right when I am video taping my National Board entries), an antibiotic (to clear up any lingering infection from November...), an antihistamine (because I may be allergic to work. I knew it! Seriously, she said there might be an allergen at work!), and an inhaler (twice a day for THREE MONTHS!!!) WHAT?! I can't remember to take all that medicine... Excuse me, could you prescribe something to help my memory too?
Posted by Tiffani at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Wet T-shirt Contest
Backstory: I am sick. For my family, this will come as no surprise to you. It is close to my birthday, which means, I must get sick :( It's a rule.
Posted by Tiffani at 7:47 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl XLwhatever it is
So I am no football fan. I didn't even know that the Super Bowl was this weekend until late this week..... But I have been invited to Sandy's Super Bowl Extravaganza! WooHoo! What this means to me is WONDERFUL food that Sandy has so lovingly prepared for all the guests.
Posted by Tiffani at 3:34 PM 0 comments