Ok, so before I get any hateful comments about not knowing "Prince Pookie", I will introduce him to you...
So, we've been chatting since before Thanksgiving. We finally met the Monday before New Year's. I know, I know what you are thinking.... And you haven't discussed him on the blog yet? No I haven't. I needed a good nickname before I could talk about him. But I just couldn't think of one :( So, I started calling him Pookie because that is funny and then after he gave me the frog for my bday, he became the Prince. Well it morphed into Prince Pookie because that is super fun! I really want to call him Psquared but I don't know how to do a superscript on the Mac? Any ideas of how to do that?
So P.P. and I have officially stopped dating other people and are now only dating each other. I know you missed the whole dating other people thing, but it was happening. And now it is not.
Now for your visual enjoyment, I will post a pic. P.P. hates this pic, but he will have to deal. It is the only one I have of us and I think it is cute. It was taken by Mr. D at the Super Bowl party last weekend. That is when P.P. met the friends... He got the thumbs up, by the way :)

I love this pic! You two look great!
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