Saturday, February 28, 2009


Just a quick update.....

I am working on National Board stuff today, but I just finished one paper and I need a little break before starting the next :)

Today is Katie Jane's bday!  WooHoo!  We are going back to our college alma mater for some men's bball tonight.  Now, I'm not into bball, but it is not my bday.  So, P² and I are meeting KJ, her sis and bro-in-law for the game.  I am going to show everyone my brick that I purchased after I graduated.  It is in front of the student center where the game will be played.

I took Winston to the vet yesterday.  He had "the works".  That includes annual shots, a physical, a bath, toe nail clipping, worm/flea preventative, and of course antibiotics.  What trip to the vet would be complete without them?  I am a horrible mother and forget to go buy the preventative after I've used the first six months, so this year I bought a year's supply!  OMG!  It was $170 - more than the other stuff combined!  Winston is fine, just has a little infection in his paw from a cut which is the main reason we went to the vet yesterday.  He wasn't due for shots until the middle of March, but while he was there anyway I got it done.  So after all that, I walked out with over $300 less than I walked in with :(

Not much has been going on this week... Ash Wednesday church service, National Board writing, P², school, Black History Programs, choir....  Same old stuff.  

Congrats to Sandy's students for winning the People's Choice Award at her school's Chili Cook-Off!  If you click on her name it will take you to her blog and you can read about the cook-off.  Scroll down a little, she had a lengthy blog :)