I took a professional development day to work on my national board stuff. My last entry is due to my support person tomorrow. Now, I finished the papers this weekend but I was 1.5 pages over and needed help deciding what to cut. He told me that all 6 accomplishments were noteworthy and I had to decide. So I sent it to three teacher friends who have their National Board certification. I heard back from one very quickly. I agreed with her and started working on the suggestions she made.
This is what I did today:
1. finished editing Entry 1 (I had already done 2 and 3)
2. decided (with help) which accomplishments to use for Entry 4
3. decided (again with help) what documentation to use for each accomplishment
4. edited each accomplishment
5. typed evals for students and parents
6. located documentation for each accomplishment
I'm pretty much to where I can't do anything else until I have feedback from my support person and until my concert, drum circle, and parent visitation in the classroom happen. All of this is happening in the next two weeks!!!! After that, I have to bust my behind to get it all together by March 31st so I can mail my box. I should have Entries 1, 2, and 3 done by Spring Break. Entry 4 will be mostly complete except for some documentation from parents.
Not related to N.B.:
7. picked music for children's choir tonight
8. nothing else
Still to do:
1. take shower
2. make lunch for tomorrow
3. gather stuff for meeting with support person for N.B.
4. children's choir
5. sanctuary choir
6. Clean house (I have decided it will still be dirty this summer when N.B. is over. So this is on my to do list indefinitely)
I am so grateful for my three friends who have edited for me, especially Sara for getting back to me so quickly today even though she was working and busy. She made today VERY successful.
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