Sunday, May 1, 2011

Guess who has been couponing!!!!

I have recently started couponing.  Sandy and I have decided to do a little friendly competition to see who can save the most.  This is my second trip to CVS.  Two Sundays ago, I did ok, but not a great job.  I spend about $80 and saved $40.  A good job but not excellent. 

Today I spent $16.10 and saved $67.58!  That's AWESOME!!  Below you will find Transaction #1 which includes toilet paper, antiperspirant (two men and two women), Puffs with Vick's (which I LOVE), and toothpaste.  I earned $10.54 extraBucks to use on Transaction #2.  Following the first picture, you will see Transaction #2 which includes 6 Lean Cuisines and 4 candy bars (interesting combo).  I received $5 extraBucks to use on a later purchase.  I had planned a third transaction, but they did not have the Aquafina water so I decided to wait.    

All in all, I am very excited about today's trip!  I hope to do just as well when I go grocery shopping.