Saturday, February 28, 2009


Just a quick update.....

I am working on National Board stuff today, but I just finished one paper and I need a little break before starting the next :)

Today is Katie Jane's bday!  WooHoo!  We are going back to our college alma mater for some men's bball tonight.  Now, I'm not into bball, but it is not my bday.  So, P² and I are meeting KJ, her sis and bro-in-law for the game.  I am going to show everyone my brick that I purchased after I graduated.  It is in front of the student center where the game will be played.

I took Winston to the vet yesterday.  He had "the works".  That includes annual shots, a physical, a bath, toe nail clipping, worm/flea preventative, and of course antibiotics.  What trip to the vet would be complete without them?  I am a horrible mother and forget to go buy the preventative after I've used the first six months, so this year I bought a year's supply!  OMG!  It was $170 - more than the other stuff combined!  Winston is fine, just has a little infection in his paw from a cut which is the main reason we went to the vet yesterday.  He wasn't due for shots until the middle of March, but while he was there anyway I got it done.  So after all that, I walked out with over $300 less than I walked in with :(

Not much has been going on this week... Ash Wednesday church service, National Board writing, P², school, Black History Programs, choir....  Same old stuff.  

Congrats to Sandy's students for winning the People's Choice Award at her school's Chili Cook-Off!  If you click on her name it will take you to her blog and you can read about the cook-off.  Scroll down a little, she had a lengthy blog :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Mardi Gras

Happy Fat Tuesday!  I am so sad that I was not at home this week for Mardi Gras.  I have been home the past two years for Fat Tuesday, but since I took my personal leave last week to see my brother, I couldn't go this year.  An easy decision to make, but I'm still sad I wasn't there today.  There's always next year :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Year Ago

This week has been weepy for me.  One year ago today I went on my first date with Ryan.  We went to a restaurant named "Firebirds" and then to a movie.  This past Friday, I had a dinner meeting with a music organization at "Firebirds" and it was really hard.  I'm glad I was with a lot of great girls who took my mind off the situation.  That was the first time I had been back.  

Today has been a hard day too.  I can't believe it's been a year since I met Ryan.  It really has flown past.  It seems like everything happened so long ago yet like it was only yesterday.    

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well, I had an unfortunate change of plans.  Last week, my cousin passed away and I had to go to my hometown for the funeral.  I went home Wednesday night after choir rehearsal.  I had planned to go home on Sunday after church to see my brother for a few days.  SO, I didn't think it would be smart to drive home on Wed. night and drive back on Thur. for school and then drive back home on Sunday.  So, I stayed the entire weekend and will be here through Tuesday or Wednesday.  

So don't worry, dear readers, you still have time to suggest recipes for me to cook for Valentine's Day.  I'm glad I wasn't depending on your suggestions because NO ONE left a comment.  I would've starved.  Thanks, guys!

Well, I have no internet access while at my mom's so I will update when I get back to my house.  

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Roger says...

Roger left me a comment on my FB wall. He wrote "Try ctl-apple-plus for superscript and ctl-apple-minus for subscript." Well I tried but it didn't work :(. BUT I went exploring and came across "Special Characters" in my "Edit" toolbar. So, I went on a search for the superscript and found it!

Allow me to introduce "Prince Pookie" as "P²". Yea! I did it!!! WooHoo! It is a great day!

Make sure to read all my blogging adventures from today. I've posted four entries, so don't stop here!

Calling All Cooks!

Ok, so this year is the first year in a LONG time I will have a boyfriend on Valentine's Day. However, Prince Pookie has to work that night until 6 p.m. So I am planning on cooking. But I don't know what to cook. I need ideas! So, dear readers, I am asking for your help. Please post a comment with a link to your fave recipe or if you created it, post the recipe in the comment. I really want this to be a nice dinner... Keep in mind, I am no gourmet chef. It doesn't have to be simple, but don't get too crazy!

I will let you know which recipe I choose and maybe even take pix of the whole process. It should be interesting.

Be sure to check my other two posts from today below. I've been a blogging fool today :)

Prince Pookie

Ok, so before I get any hateful comments about not knowing "Prince Pookie", I will introduce him to you...

So, we've been chatting since before Thanksgiving.  We finally met the Monday before New Year's.  I know, I know what you are thinking....  And you haven't discussed him on the blog yet?  No I haven't.  I needed a good nickname before I could talk about him.  But I just couldn't think of one :(  So, I started calling him Pookie because that is funny and then after he gave me the frog for my bday, he became the Prince.  Well it morphed into Prince Pookie because that is super fun!  I really want to call him Psquared but I don't know how to do a superscript on the Mac?  Any ideas of how to do that?  

So P.P. and I have officially stopped dating other people and are now only dating each other.  I know you missed the whole dating other people thing, but it was happening.  And now it is not.  

Now for your visual enjoyment, I will post a pic.  P.P. hates this pic, but he will have to deal.  It is the only one I have of us and I think it is cute.  It was taken by Mr. D at the Super Bowl party last weekend. That is when P.P. met the friends...  He got the thumbs up, by the way :)

Catch Up!!!

Hey Hey!  Well today is Sunday and I have not blogged since Tuesday, I think.  So I am a little behind.  So today, we will be playing catch up!

Wednesday was a day like any other Wednesday, very busy.  School, school choir, church children's choir, and sanctuary choir rehearsals.  There was one exception to the monotony.  I had an i.m. discussion with a certain someone about becoming exclusive...  There will be more on that story, just a tease for now.  So after all the choir rehearsals, I drove to see this person, whom I shall call "Prince Pookie" because I love nicknames and that one is HILARIOUS!  Then I headed home for some much needed rest!

Thursday, the big day, I turned 29!  I slept in, yea!  My dad called and wished me a happy bday.  We talked a little and then I had to go get ready for work.  Heath texted and told me to check my mailbox before heading to work.  Well, I finished getting ready and took some stuff out to the car to load before checking the box.  On my car window was a large bag and a card.  I opened the card and it was from my 'prince'.  The bag contained a large stuffed frog (he is sooo soft).  I guess he thinks I like them because I had to kiss so many...  How precious.  Sometime during the night Prince Pookie drove 20 minutes one way to deliver my present so I would have it on my bday.  He is incredibly thoughtful.  I almost forgot about the mailbox!  So I walked over and looked inside.  There was a WATER BOTTLE inside!  WooHoo!  Heath came to the rescue again.  I guess after the great wet t-shirt debacle of '09, I needed a new one.  I have two of the best men in my life.  I am truly blessed.  

All that was before I even went to work.  The kindergarten classes sang to me, the K teachers gave me an itunes gift card (yea!), I celebrated with the choir.  Heather even bought me lunch.  So much fun.  

Thursday night, I headed to Jim N Nicks with Christie and Emily.  We loved it!  And the waiter gave me a piece of pie for my bday.  MMMM, yummy!  Afterward, we went to "Ain't Misbehavin".  It was good but not what I expected.  I probably wouldn't see it again, but I'm glad I went.  And our seats were right next to Brian and Jonathan's.  Crazy!  

Friday, one of my school choirs sang at a local college basketball game.  So I was there at 5:15 p.m. but left as soon as the National Anthem had been sung and all the kids were with their families.  I met Prince Pookie at his apartment and he took me to Stix for my bday dinner.  It was so delicious.  I love it.  I just LURVE Japanese food.  

Saturday, I had to work on national board stuff :(  That is enough of Saturday.  Although I did meet Sandy, Mr. D, Prince Pookie and roommate, Josh for lunch.  

Today, I went to Prince Pookie's apartment before church and he went with me to the early service.  My church children's choir sang the Call to Worship and the sanctuary choir didn't sing until 11, so that meant I got to sit in the pews rather than the choir loft.  Prince Pookie and I got to sit by each other during the service which does not happen normally because I have to remain in the choir loft.  After the early service, we went to Jack's for breakfast and then he dropped me off at church so I could sing with the sanctuary choir during the second service.  After church, I came home and finished my paper for national boards.  I emailed it to my support person.  I am updating you guys and then I am going to clean the house.  

Tonight, I have tickets to the Comedy Club.  I love the C.C.  It is so much fun!!  

Oh and sometime yesterday I did three loads of laundry and lesson plans for the week.

Tomorrow, back to the grind....  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

As I mentioned in my last post, I am sick :(  I went to the doctor today.  I relayed my symptoms, which sounded oddly like the symptoms I had back in September thru November.  I can breathe through my nose fine.  I have a lot of drainage apparently because my ears and throat are so red.  But when I breathe, I just can't get enough air.  This is a problem for everyone, but especially a music teacher.  I literally can not sing a line of music without running out of breath.  Of course she listened to my chest and said I was "very tight".  Well, I need to be untight, so how can you help me, ma'am.  So, she decided that I needed a steroid shot (to get my voice back, which has decided to take a vacay right when I am video taping my National Board entries), an antibiotic (to clear up any lingering infection from November...), an antihistamine (because I may be allergic to work.  I knew it!  Seriously, she said there might be an allergen at work!), and an inhaler (twice a day for THREE MONTHS!!!)  WHAT?!   I can't remember to take all that medicine...  Excuse me, could you prescribe something to help my memory too?

And fun little fact of the day....
A 1st grader puked in my room today, just inches from where I previously was standing!  Thank God I felt the need to point something out on the board.  That safely moved me away from spewing zone.  And without warning, the child vomits all over the floor...  And makes no move for garbage can that was located two feet from him....  Lovely.  "Clean up, aisle 1"  Thank God for WONDERFUL custodians.  (Who by the way, saved my life yesterday after the wet t-shirt contest.  She fetched a new shirt for me)

Well, goodnight, dear readers...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wet T-shirt Contest

Backstory:  I am sick.  For my family, this will come as no surprise to you.  It is close to my birthday, which means, I must get sick :(  It's a rule.  

I was video taping for National Boards this afternoon.  I have four second grade classes in a row.  I did not have high hopes for the first two classes and the last class is always horrible.  So I was placing my eggs in the third class basket.  Well, the lesson was grand, the kids were involved, I was rocking....  Then it happened!  I had a coughing fit.  The kind where I can't catch my breath, I can't sing.  I'm turning red and tears are streaming down my face.  Lucky for me, I have a bottle of water (if I can just quit coughing long enough to get it to my mouth) on the table beside me.  I pick it up and pull on the nozzle with my teeth only to remember that the nozzle was clogged and that I had left the cap unscrewed.  Down pours all the water on my shirt...  Yep, dear readers, I was having my own personal wet t-shirt contest in front of a class full of second graders.  Now they do tell us to keep going no matter what happens in the videos.  You can always explain and tell what you would do differently next time.  However, I just can't see myself turning in a video where I had to wring the water out of my shirt....  So, I stopped taping.  But don't worry, I do have it on video.  Just not for your enjoyment.....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl XLwhatever it is

So I am no football fan.  I didn't even know that the Super Bowl was this weekend until late this week.....  But I have been invited to Sandy's Super Bowl Extravaganza!  WooHoo!  What this means to me is WONDERFUL food that Sandy has so lovingly prepared for all the guests.  

I just finished lesson plans, so now I am getting ready to head to Sandy's house!  Yea!