Ok, so it started out ok, but with one unbelievably thoughtful gesture, the waterworks started and I just couldn't stop.
Picture, if you will, I am walking out my front door (yes, late as usual) and a bouquet of flowers falls in my front door. I am so surprised and I start getting teary. Then I full out start crying and then I feel stupid. So I finally got myself together on the way to work. Then I went to my principal to ask her something and I just started all over again. I was in her office for over an hour crying! I don't know what was wrong with me today. I really miss Ryan!
I had lunch with Ryan's parents today (after the mental breakdown). I always feel better when I am around them. I can stay calm even when I feel the tears coming. I am able to calm down and not start crying. That is a good thing.
Thanks, Heath, for the flowers. You are very sweet and thoughtful. (I hope your friends don't read my blog. I don't want to embarrass you.) I really have to assume that Heath sent them because there was no card or note or name. Here are some pics of the flowers.

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