Thursday, September 10, 2009


I think I may have overdosed tonight at dinner. I'm feeling a little woozy and lightheaded. My eyes are sensitive to light AND sound! I don't even know how that happens. My eyes literally started watering when a loud commercial came on tv.

What did I OD on? ...caffeine! I haven't had caffeine in a while. I've been drinking a ton of water and an occasional sprite, but no caffeine. Well tonight, I met Carrie for dinner and decided I deserved a sweet tea. Well, at this particular Mexican restaurant you can take one sip of drink and they come to refill. I have no idea how much tea I actually drank. I do know that I took a cup to go and drank a lot there. I seriously think I overdid it. My body is in shock!

I still think I deserved it... I had choir rehearsal today after school that ends at 4:00 p.m. I was still there at 5:00 p.m. waiting on a parent to come get her child! When she finally got there, she blamed the fifth grader for not reminding her that she had choir. Helllllloooooo!!!! She's 10! AND I gave every parent a schedule of rehearsal dates so they would know ahead of time when we had rehearsal... I'm sorry, parents, don't blame your forgetfulness on your kids. AND don't lie to my face and tell me you didn't know the child was at choir until 4:15 p.m. when we called to see where you were,especially when the child called to remind you during school... (It helps to be friends with the secretary in the school office. She can tell you these little gems of info). Anyway, I'm sending a little note home tomorrow telling parents to look at the schedule I sent home and make plans to come get their child on Thursday afternoon... We'll see how much flack I get from parents when the letter goes home.

Anyway, have a great night and weekend!!!