Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Official...

I have officially quit studying for my National Board Assessment.  The test is tomorrow at 8 a.m.  If I don't know it by now, I won't know it...  So, I've decided to take some advice and take a break for tonight.  (I can't promise I won't look over it tomorrow morning... Last minute cramming)  

There are six parts of the assessment:
1. Diagnostic Skills (identifying and correcting choral issues)
2.  Historical Repertoire (identifying historical time periods, discussing music from that time period, discussing music in relation to history/culture)  EEEEKKKK!!!!! I'm most scared of this one.
3.  Applied Theory/Composition (Vocal)  (write a song - so easy since I wrote 1/2 of my holiday program this past year)
4.  Instructional Strategies (Teach one concept six different ways, using aural, visual, kinesthetic)
5.  Music from a World Sample  (identify style or genre of selections of world music)  EEEKKK!  Again, I'm scared.
6.  Curricular Applications  (Given a song, describe how to teach the nine national standards - they choose four)

So I'm nervous about two sections and feel ok about the other four.  I'm so ready to be done with this test.  The bad part is I won't know the results until NOVEMBER!!  UGH!

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

You will do great and Ace the test !! MWAH !!!

Natalie Adkinson said...

you will do great on the test! You are brilliant and talented and will pass with flying colors!! Sing on girl!!