Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I really love owning my own home. No really, I do! BUT I HATE having to do repairs. I was drinking my Mountain Dew from a can tonight with dinner. I was down to the last little bit and tipped my head way back and looked straight up. There is a HUGE leak stain on my ceiling! It's at least a foot long! Now it was not there last week! It has rained all day today and snowed on Saturday. I don't know when this happened but it had to be sometime this weekend or today! So I called a few friends and one told me one of my student's father is a roofer. The other said it could be a "boot". Her ceiling leaked and that's all it was. I hope this is the case because she said it's relatively inexpensive and her friend could fix it for a nominal fee. Anyone else know how to fix roofs? I surely do not! I don't even own a ladder to get in the attic to see what's going on up there. AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGG! I am so frustrated!

On a lighter note, I really LOVE this new card reader. I just thought, "hey, I should put a picture of the stain to show how upset I really am." And I could actually do it thanks to my card reader!


Anonymous said...

I do not know the first thing about roof repair, but if you find someone that does, could you send them my way?? I have two leaks in my classroom that keep coming back. . .even after they've been "repaired." Talk about frustrating--try keeping 3,4,and 5 year olds away from the bucket of nasty "leak water." :)

Tiffani said...

My neighbor and I climbed up in the attic today and found where we suspect the water is coming in. It's around the whirly twirly thingy! We are so technical. She gave me the number of her friend who fixed her roof when it was leaking. My school is leaking too! It's crazy. Someone called the union today about it. Drama!