Sunday, June 1, 2008

Class of 1998

Last night, I went to my 10 year high school reunion.  I had a nice time.  Ryan was supposed to go with me, so last night was bittersweet.  I have noticed that a lot of things recently have been so.  I guess that will continue to happen.  That was the last of things that we had made definite plans to do.  From now on, it will be things that we just talked about...

Anyway, I saw many old friends.  Not everyone attended, but there was a good crowd.  We had it at a restaurant on the patio.  There was a band, food, beer, wine, and for me water :)  They also had ballots for us to vote for the "Most Changed Since High School ~ Male and Female", "Least Changed Since High School ~ Male and Female", and "Person You Are Most Surprised To See".  My best friend, Beth, won "Most Changed".  She looked great last night.  I will post pictures when I get a chance.  I won "Most Surprised To See".  I can only assume this is because people didn't think I would come without Ryan.  I know full well that Ryan would have sent someone to kick my butt if I did not go and that person would have been Beth :)  I looked at it this way, Ryan was very outgoing and packed so much in his 28 years.  I felt that he would want me to do the same.  I am glad to report, I made it through the questions about why I'm not married and when I plan on doing it.  A couple of times, I just said "I don't know."  Other times, when people just kept pressing, I told them what happened so they would just stop asking me.  

Overall, a fun time was had by all.  Looking forward to 20 years...

I love you, Ryan