Monday, June 23, 2008

No need to wii-schedule

I invited a couple of friends over to play the wii. One of them came, but one had jury duty :( Megan, the one who came, said we might need to "wii-schedule". We thought that was hilarious! We decided to go ahead and play and that we would do it again when Anna could come! Megan and I had a SUPER FUN time! We yelled and laughed and laughed and yelled and laughed! Did I mention yell? Megan had to go home to cook dinner for her husband :( So we ended our day of wii-citement with only a touch of wii-bow.

I continued to play wii after she left. I did all the yoga poses in the wii fit. I had not done all of them yet, so that was a good thing. I still haven't done any of the strength exercises! I just don't feel inclined to do a push up. Maybe one day... Probably not! I wonder how sore I will be tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Game Night with the girls! Yea! I can't wait. We will be playing board games. WooHoo!

I have something to do every night this week. I am definitely keeping busy. I think that is a good thing right now. I always seem to get upset when I am alone and have time to think. This is definitely a stressful time for me.

I am going back to see my brother this weekend. He is flying back to AK on Monday. I hate I haven't seen more of him during this visit.

I love you, Ryan