Sunday, August 17, 2008

Growth Sunday

Today, I went to my new church job.  I am singing in a sanctuary choir and conducting the 5k children's choir.  After the early service, they had "growth sunday" where everyone signs up for their extracurricular church activities (choir, sunday school, etc).  I already have 22 5k kids and not everyone has signed up yet!  Oh my!  

While I was in church, Sandy sent a text and asked if I wanted to have lunch.  Of course I did, especially since she has been neglecting me this week.  When I returned to my car, I checked my phone and saw her text and I called her to see where we were eating.  She chose Outback.  It was tasty.  We did have to wait for them to open.  We tried to catch up but I'm sure we left something out.

After we ate, I came home and pulled weeds out of what I refer to as my "weed bed".  My neighbor had cut my grass for me.  She is so sweet!  I was so happy for that.  I came inside and did some dishes and laundry.  I also packed my school bag, cooked dinner, and packed my lunch for tomorrow.  

Now, I am blogging.  I should be getting ready for bed.  In order to do that, I have to put sheets on my bed.  I washed the ones on there but I haven't dried them yet.  I think I will put the orange paisley sheets on.  I like those.  

I have been watching the Olympics off and on.  I really haven't watched it religiously.  One thing I have noticed, some of these women are very unfortunate looking.  It really is sad.  Oh well.  I am watching the ladies floor exercises now.  I may never go to bed.  They are amazing!  

Gotta force myself to bed!

Have a great week!  (I start teaching tomorrow.)